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Trevor O'Sullivan

Trevor O'Sullivan

General Manager. Since the early 2000s, Trevor has worked with thousands of Talent Management professionals to develop and apply assessment-based talent management solutions for selecting, developing and managing people. Trevor is an active member of the TTI Success Insights (TTISI) Global Advisory Council, contributes to TTISI product development and is a regular presenter at TTISI-R3. He is honoured to have received multiple Blue Diamond Awards and, more recently, the Bill Brooks Impact Award recognising his contributions to the TTISI global network.

Email Instruction Sending Service

Email Instruction Sending Service

For many of our customers, one of the most time-consuming activities involves emailing participants their instructions to...

Reorder Profile Pages

Reorder Profile Pages

Have you ever wanted to: rearrange the report pages? turn report pages off? This is exactly what Report Customisation allows.

Group Wheel

Group Wheel

The wheel is one of the most popular and valuable tools available to accredited TTISI professionals, which can help you and...

TTISI DISC Cube Made by Rubik's | DISC Profile

TTISI DISC Cube Made by Rubik's

TTI Success Insights announces the debut of a new learning tool for its popular DISC behavioural assessment based on the...

Understanding Unusual DISC Graphs

Understanding Unusual DISC Graphs

Dig deeper to understand the types of unusual graphs and help your client make the right decisions while developing an...