Accelerated Induction Process
FastSTART is the name of a process designed TTI Success Insights by to accelerate the formation of new relationships. This is especially useful for induction.
An induction program is a critical component for engaging and retaining great people within an organisation. As part of welcoming new employees, companies will typically include safety training, company information, marketplace information, and practical skills training; however, they can often overlook a very crucial element: relationships.
It is particularly important that an induction program includes time to build the relationship with one’s immediate manager, since the number one reason people leave companies is due to having a poor relationship with this person.
The FastSTART process is used to support new hires transition into their team quickly by helping them understand their manager as well as their team members: their unique personal traits, behavioural quirks, motivators, values and skills.
It involves a facilitated discussion between (at least) 3 people:
- A Facilitator
- A New Team Member
- A Manager
(Additional team members may be included.)
The facilitator’s chief purpose is to use the information from one or more assessment tools to help the new team member and manager in the following ways:
- Identify the best way to work with each other
- Build trust
- Increase self-awareness
- Understand areas that may cause tension
- Reduce the potential for conflict
Initial Discussion and Needs Analysis. The purpose here is to understand the situation and the people involved, then to determine what approach and type of profile(s) would be best.
Introduction to the Process. Walk the stakeholders through the process using the flowchart.
Complete The Online Questionnaire. Once the participants understand the process, we then ask them to complete the profile(s).
Facilitator Pre-Work
Notes on Scores. Once the profiles are completed, make notes on their graphs.
Note Any Questions to Ask. After looking through their profile and making notes, there might be things you would like to ask with regard to the participants and their positions.
Send Profile & Success Discovery Process (SDP). Each participant is sent a printed copy of their profile and SDP (a companion document to help the participants go through their profile).
Arrange Meetings. Confirm meeting date/time/location with participants (this should be after they have had time to read through their profile and complete the SDP document).
Manager Debrief with Facilitator
Profile Discussion. The facilitator debriefs the manager on their profile.
Key Pages Review/Summary. The facilitator reviews the key information that will assist the manager better understand how to interact more effectively with others.
Expectations of the New Team Members. This is a discussion with the manager about what they expect from new team members, what their current team is like, and any challenges they have had in the past. It is a good idea to review the job description for the new role as part of the process.
New Team Member Debrief with Facilitator
Profile Discussion. The facilitator debriefs the new team member on their profile.
Key Pages Review/Summary. The facilitator reviews the key information that will assist the new team member better understand how to interact more effectively with others.
Expectations of their New Manager. This is an opportunity to discuss with the new team member what they expect from their new manager and team members. Again, it is a good idea to review the job description with them and discuss any insights the manager has offered.
Joint Meeting
Key Page Discussion. This involves both parties coming together to review what they have learned, to share the information from the profile and SDP document, and understand what is important to each party.
Discuss Role and Strategies. This is a facilitated discussion around the job description, business/departmental plan and how the manager and new team member might work together to achieve the desired outcomes.
Create Action/Development Plan. Based on the discussions around the role, needs for development and interest areas, assist the manager and new team member develop an action/development plan. Decide on key targets, dates and reviews.
Action Plan (30, 60, 90 Day)
Create a 30-60-90 Day Action Plan. This is designed to create a commitment with each participant to apply what has been talked about in the sessions. These goals should be driven toward the desired outcome of the debrief and each individual's personal desires.
Discuss and Set Action Commitments. As with any goal, it is important to break it down into smaller pieces that the person can achieve. These might include organising meetings, creating documents, reporting progress etc. The idea behind these Action Commitments is to make the goal smaller and more manageable.
Put the Plan in Writing and Communicate to Others. Have the participant put in writing their 30, 60, 90 day goals, their action commitments, and milestones. This will assist in keeping them accountable and empower them to communicate their Action Plan to others.
Ongoing Support from Facilitator. Many FastSTART participants will have questions and comments after their debrief. It is important to gather feedback and check in from time to time to help guide them on their plan.
Consolidated Feedback for Manager or Stakeholder. When working with people who have a manager or other stakeholders (be it financial or emotional) it is important to provide some feedback to them also. Permission for this must be sought from the participant, and confidential issues that surfaced during the debrief should not be discussed. However, it does help if others understand the journey taken and the plan moving forward. This will allow them to support the person as they carry out their Action Plan.
Other Development Activities. Sometimes, during a debrief, an individual might request (or require) additional development activities, reading material, or further performance coaching, which can serve as a platform to discuss additional development work.
Recruitment & Selection
Trevor O'Sullivan
General Manager. Since the early 2000s, Trevor has worked with thousands of Talent Management professionals to develop and apply assessment-based talent management solutions for selecting, developing and managing people. Trevor is an active member of the TTI Success Insights (TTISI) Global Advisory Council, contributes to TTISI product development and is a regular presenter at TTISI-R3. He is honoured to have received multiple Blue Diamond Awards and, more recently, the Bill Brooks Impact Award recognising his contributions to the TTISI global network.