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How to Understand and Manage a Team Driven by Altruistic

A Close Look at Who They Are and How It Plays Out in a Team

Editor's note: This post is part of a series on 12 Driving Forces™, an assessment revealing why people do what they do and what impacts their decision-making. Throughout the series, we will examine how different drivers play out in the workplace.

High altruistic people — one driving force in TTI’s 12 Driving Forces assessment — are driven by the benefits they provide others. High alturistics assist others for the sake of being supportive. They’re a group of caring, sympathetic and unselfish people.

However, they may not understand others who are not as giving. High altruistic individuals also could have trouble disciplining others because they feel bad when they’re forced to reprimand others.

Where you might find them: Hospital/medical centers, customer service departments and non-profits.

What they love to do: Use their talent, time and resources to help others achieve their potential.

How to talk to them: Focus on how others will benefit, how pain and conflict will be decreased, and how people will be maximized from their management. A message of helping individuals who are less fortunate, or even showing deep empathy, will appeal most to a high altruistic.

Ideal environment: An environment with engaged and happy co-workers. A manager who doesn’t put too much emphasis on bottom-line results. They will be energized when they’re encouraged to improve the well-being of others and help them to achieve potential.

Keys to motivate: Give them opportunities to focus on other people. Reward and value their ability to help others.

Take TTI SI’s network development team for example. Their average score of altruistic is 81, which is the highest among the 12 Driving Forces™.

As a team, they all have a passion to better humanity, especially our VAA network. They believe in making a difference in others' lives. By working with VAAs, they’re a part of the process of helping other people be more effective, productive and purposeful in their lives.

Every day, our solution consultants invest their time, talents and resources to help a variety of VAAs. It’s exciting for this high altruistic team to listen to different VAAs’ situations and needs, provide solutions, and help them deliver expanding value to their clients. Seeing VAAs grow is highly rewarding to them.

To learn more about Altruistic individuals, and all of the driving forces, visit

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Kefei Wang

Kefei Wang

I grew up in China, Denmark, and The United States giving me a diverse upbringing. Now I'm working as part of a diverse and creative team that serves global clients. I connect my core values and daily job by empowering TTI Success Insights to grow as a global brand through analyzing customer insights and strategizing marketing plans.