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How to Understand and Manage a Harmonious Team

These Individuals are Driven by Experiences, Balance in Their Surroundings

Editor's note: This post is part of a series on 12 Driving Forces™, an assessment revealing why people do what they do and what impacts their decision-making. Throughout the series, we will examine how different drivers play out in the workplace.

High harmonious people are driven by the experience, subjective viewpoints and balance in their surroundings.

But, they are also more sensitive to chaos and conflict; therefore, they tend to avoid situations that cause personal pain and disharmony. Unpleasant surroundings could impact their productivity. They also tend to have a subjective view of the task at hand.

Where you might find them: Ad agencies, environmental agencies, the creative departments within corporate environments.

What they love to do: Turn their work into art.

How to talk to them: Focusing on the subjective experiences of you, them and others will be key for high harmonious individuals. Show visuals at every opportunity and prove you care about making the world a more beautiful place.

Ideal environment: An environment that allows them to achieve balance in all areas of life. They will thrive where their work experience is a part of the desired accomplishment. A manager who focuses on people and brings excitement into the business will be most appealing to high harmonious individuals.

Keys to motivate: Give them the opportunity to enjoy and experience the beauty around them. Show appreciation toward their feelings.

Take TTI SI’s marketing communication + creative team for example. Harmonious is one of the top driving forces among our primary clusters.

As a team, we collectively believe in the power of beauty and translating emotion into words. We fulfill our company’s mission with our storytelling, writing, editing, filmmaking and illustration.

We constantly challenge ourselves to create content and visuals that connect the TTI SI brand to the world, translating basic and complex information into content that is interesting and sharable. Our team also enjoys the role as the guardians of the TTI SI digital user experience.

To learn more about harmonious individuals, and all of the driving forces, visit

Kefei Wang

Kefei Wang

I grew up in China, Denmark, and The United States giving me a diverse upbringing. Now I'm working as part of a diverse and creative team that serves global clients. I connect my core values and daily job by empowering TTI Success Insights to grow as a global brand through analyzing customer insights and strategizing marketing plans.