When you jump out of bed every day, how often do you first reflect inward?
If it’s not often, you are missing a big opportunity to frame your day around you instead of your to-do list. When your day starts off with a big heaping bowl of self-awareness, you have a competitive advantage to your day, because you are reflecting on what drives you and your behaviors.
With self-awareness comes focused decisions, a clear path of the day, and better ammunition to tackle any challenges.
"Move over, Wheaties. Self-awareness is the new Breakfast of Champions."
Starting your day by looking at yourself instead of your to-do list is probably advice you’ve heard before. But, from what I’ve found, most people don’t have a clue about what driving forces fuel their behavior.
Many can’t even answer the simple questions, “What forces motivate you?” or “What type of work fulfills you?”
Let’s use me as an example. At 65 years old and reaching my financial goals, I discovered that I was goal-oriented. It was an aha moment for me. Here I was, with time on my hands and no goals to meet. I was restless.
You see, goals were always a natural part of my work, but I had never identified that I was goal-oriented, a person motivated by identifying a challenge and conquering it. When my day job ended and the goals I counted on in my life went away with it, it left a void. In this moment, a new sense of self-awareness kicked in.
Now I know whatever I do, professionally or personally, needs to be goals-based. If I go to a networking event, I have to attend with a goal to speak to a certain number of people. If I exercise, I have to have a personal trainer to meet who ensures I’m on track to meet my milestones.
My newfound self-awareness at age 65 also showed me I needed to tell others about my goals. Simply setting them and keeping them myself meant I wouldn’t be held accountable.
At TTI Success Insights, we talk about Science of Self™ — the holistic scientific analysis of the entire person. Only when someone has a true understanding of their Science of Self can they begin to be self-aware.
"Self-awareness is where our mindset should start, each and every day."
You’ll not only appreciate your strengths and differences, but will recognize and love others’ differences as well. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to better control your emotions and make sounder decisions. You will understand how your actions are perceived and impact others.
With self-awareness as your breakfast, and perhaps a cup of coffee, you’ll be ready to take on the world. How much more successful could you be if you had a firm sense of self?