Job Benchmarking May Be More Like Bodybuilding Than You Think
Benchmarking is Like Building Up an Organization's Core Muscles
No one just rolls into the gym on Day 1 with well-developed muscles.
Likewise, companies most often do not roll into hiring or addressing organizational challenges knowing what superior performance in each job looks like.
Conducting job benchmarking, over time, is like building up an organization’s core muscles.
Like bodybuilding, it doesn’t happen overnight — it must be an ongoing commitment to achieving excellence. It takes discipline — investing time into thinking through a role and hiring accordingly.
It takes focus — understanding the organization's goals and how that particular job fits into that big picture.
It takes patience — an organization with each role benchmarked will take time, but when complete will be ready to lift incredible weight.
How has job benchmarking strengthened your organization and allowed you to build muscle?
Jennifer Lawhead
Jennifer was the Communication Manager at TTI Success Insights, working to spread the word about the company's power to change lives. With a dual background in journalism and marketing, Jennifer has a penchant for storytelling, especially about career growth, continuous learning and being a woman in business.