TTI Success Insights Blog

Driving Forces: What Gets You Up in the Morning?

Written by Adam Wong | Sep 22, 2015

New 12 Driving Forces Report Can Help Us Better Understand Decision-Making

What gets you up in the morning?

It's a question we've all heard time and again, and while it can sometimes be difficult to fully express, having purpose and satisfaction in your work makes it more meaningful for you, your team and company.

Purpose, what gets you up in the morning, is a uniquely powerful source of fuel and satisfaction. That’s why meaningful work, relationships, charitable causes and a whole host of everyday ventures can resonate so strongly if it truly encapsulates us as a whole.

When you are clear about what is meaningful, your decisions become easier. You also reduce stress and improve your performance and productivity in all aspects of your life.

How clear are you about your own purpose? How enthusiastic are you to get to get up and go to work in the morning? How intentional are you about making what you do matter?

TTI SI's revamped 12 Driving Forces assessment report gets to the heart of these questions and more. It allows respondents to truly understand what motivates and drives them to action and decision-making. Self-awareness is the first step to finding meaning and purpose.

And, who knows: It could also very well answer what gets you up in the morning.