TTI Success Insights Blog

DISC Selling Skills for Precise Communicators

Written by Jaime Faulkner | Oct 26, 2022

Selling is a skill every person needs in their career, whether it's used for pitching ideas, asking for promotions, or in an actual sales-oriented role. Selling doesn't necessarily come naturally to every behavioral type, but every type can be successful in sales roles.

We're reviewing each DISC type and how they can best interact and "sell" to the other behavioral types. Let's look at Precise communicators, the high end of the Compliance factor.

The Precise Communicator in Depth

Precise people, or High Cs, are dependent, neat, careful, and compliant. They want to get the job done right and thrive on establishing routines and processes to follow in the workplace.

The Precise salesperson is well-organized and well-prepared. They are inclined to use a lot of data to support their sale while offering attentive customer service, but they might lack apparent enthusiasm.

They also might overly rely on data to make the sale, which can overwhelm less detailed buyers.

How Precise Communicators Can Sell to Every Behavioral Type

Precise Communicators Selling to Direct Communicators (High D)

The Direct communicator is looking for results.

Direct communicators are ambitious, forceful, decisive, strong-willed, independent, and goal-oriented. In general, they prefer to get to the point as quickly and concisely as possible.

Make sure to touch upon high points of facts and figures, but don't overwhelm your Direct buyer with data. A high D will likely want to make a quick decision, so be ready for a fast close.

Present your case clearly and confidently but don't push or overwhelm; Direct communicators likely want to feel like they have the upper hand in this interaction, but they also want a confident salesperson. Keep your pitch brief and bright!

Precise Communicators Selling to Reflective Communicators (Low D)

The Reflective communicator is looking for an agreement.

Reflective communicators are cooperative, low-key, modest, and mild. They tend to engage people by being agreeable and thoughtful, but they prefer a more personal approach than a Precise person is usually comfortable with.

The good news is that low Ds will work hard to adapt to your preferred style to keep the interaction pleasant. Meet them in the middle and push yourself to be more friendly than normal.

Have lots of information on hand but don't present it all at once; Reflective communicators can get overwhelmed easily in the moment.

Give them time to review and verify on their own, and draw them out by asking specific questions about their needs and concerns. They will appreciate the effort!

Precise Communicators Selling to Outgoing Communicators (High I)

The Outgoing communicator is looking for the experience.

When selling to a high I, you need to get out of your comfort zone and try to cultivate a friendly, warm approach. You don't need to become best friends, but Outgoing communicators do need a more personal approach to make a connection (and a sale!).

Do this by focusing on people. Precise communicators tend to lean hard on data, so prepare to connect that to the outcome for the people involved in the sale goes through.

Actively listen to the Outgoing buyer and ask questions; they will appreciate your attentiveness! Get ready to close early, because if an Outgoing person likes what they're hearing, they will likely want to move fast.

Precise Communicators Selling to Reserved Communicators (Low I)

The Reserved communicator is looking for mutual benefit.

Reserved communicators are restrained, controlled, and reflective. They prefer to be socially discreet and can struggle to engage with styles very different from their behavioral style.

The good news is that there is traditionally overlap between low Is and high Cs— both behavioral types value details, meaningful conversation, and the intent behind actions.

Make sure to prepare all of the necessary information, but only present what you're asked for so you don't overwhelm your Reserved buyer.

You will gain their trust by presenting accurate information and letting them draw their own conclusions. This might not be a fast sale, but it will be a profitable one— if you win the trust of a low I, you'll have it for a long time.

Precise Communicators Selling to Steady Communicators (High S)

The Steady communicator is looking for security.

Steady communicators prefer a slow pace, defined responsibilities, and clearly outlined expectations. They are considerate, compassionate, and accepting of others, but might seem indifferent or hesitant on the surface.

This match-up favors both the high C and the high S, since both behavioral types prefer to move slowly and cover lots of information during the sales process.

Make sure to provide facts and figures without being too pushy; the Steady communicator will likely want to review the available information on their own without the pressure of a quick decision.

Offer assurances in this process to build trust; Steady buyers are most comfortable in a warm, friendly environment, so your tone and energy will be very important to them. Focus on reliability and service— you want them to be confident in this sales relationship and experience!

Precise Communicators Selling to Dynamic Communicators (Low S)

The Dynamic communicator is looking for new ideas.

Dynamic people are open, confident, and fast-paced. They are energetic and outgoing but can come across as impatient or agitated.

This combination of behavioral styles isn't in the Precise salesperson's favor; the Dynamic communicator will abandon details in favor of quick results, while the Precise person usually doesn't feel comfortable moving forward without strict procedure.

Challenge yourself to adapt to a faster pace while still keeping your end goal in mind. A low S will want to bounce around options and ideas until they land on something beneficial. Your job in this interaction will be to present them with multiple options that lead to your preferred outcome.

You will be subtly guiding the conversation while still allowing them to set the pace. If this works, get ready for a fast close when your Dynamic buyer settles on an outcome.

Precise Communicators Selling to Precise Communicators (High C)

The Precise communicator is looking for information.

This sales process is where you will shine! Offer up as much data as requested and provide evidence for every claim and assurance. Make sure to examine both the positive and negative sides of the sale; your fellow Precise communicator will appreciate your forthcoming approach.

Make sure to follow through on all promises! A high C is not likely to forget empty assurances and you will lose trust and future business. Only offer up what you can guarantee with actions and information.

Allow them time to review information on their own and be ready for a close at any moment— you might be surprised by how quickly your Precise buyer wants to move after getting the facts straight.

Precise Communicators Selling to Pioneering Communicators (Low C)

The Pioneering communicator is looking for a vision.

Pioneering people are inquisitive, outgoing, and purposeful. They are innovative, big-picture thinkers but can come across as haphazard and disorganized to other behavioral types.

This sales interaction is a very interesting opportunity for both behavioral types. The high C will be pushing themself and adapting to appeal to the low C, but it doesn't need to be one-sided— take this experience as a chance to expand the thinking of all involved.

Systems don't have to be restrictive and working in an existing framework isn't necessarily boring or routine, and it's going to be your job to demonstrate that value to the Pioneering buyer.

Demonstrating the rules and then breaking them together will engage them and capture their attention. Ask for their input and don't be afraid to push back on their ideas if you have questions as well.

This collaborative approach will help Pioneering people feel seen and will gain their trust to buy into the sale.

Make the Sale the Precise Way!

Precise communicators might not behave like a stereotypical salesperson, but they can find success in a sales role by harnessing their eye for detail, organization, and analytical skills.

Are you interested in learning more about your behavioral style? If you're ready to start using DISC today, TTI SI can help!

Do you want to take a DISC assessment or start using assessments for your team? Let us know here.

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