8 Daily Habits That Can Bring Success
Are your daily habits hindering your success? Losing a bad habit and creating a new one will propel you forward to greater success, impact and fulfillment.
Energize Your Morning Moments
Do you spend these important moments rushing to get out the door? If so, you are missing time that will prime you both physically and mentally for better performance.
Allow 15 minutes to energize you, bring greater focus and confidence for the rest of the day. Is it walking? Meditating? Quiet time? Prioritizing your day? Pick one and make it a habit.
Major in the Major, Not the Minors
Prioritize the top three things that must be accomplished that day. Don’t get bogged down in minutia. Don’t waste time checking your email too often, getting sidetracked too long on Social Media.
Allow a certain amount of time for the internet and then quit. Manage your schedule!
See opportunities for growth in every task, and pass it on. Working on tasks that could and should be delegated is a sign you think you can do it better yourself.
If so, how will your team grow? How will you ever be freed up to lead and set the vision?
Shake Off a Setback
When you stumble, shake it off, don’t let it drain your energy and focus. The most successful people have all failed at something – usually many things.
Overcome Procrastination through Time Management
Procrastination can mean a lack of confidence, or a fear of being wrong.
It makes you slow to start because you want to be sure that the plan will be flawless. Recognize procrastination in yourself and concentrate on time management.
Embrace Difficult Conversations
Difficult conversations can help clarity and enriched relationships. Avoiding them does not solve problems, but allows problems to fester.
Express Thankfulness
None of us succeed alone. Thank those around you and say it with a smile. Research shows that it positively benefits you and those around you.
Concentrate on the Inside
True happiness is internal and does not come from external circumstances. Are you grateful, even in the hard times? Do you reflect on the positives or negatives? Have you learned optimism?
Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
The most effective way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a new one. Here is your challenge: Take the time to recognize a daily bad habit and replace it with a new one.
This blog originally posted on Bruce's personal LinkedIn page.
Emotional Intelligence
Bruce Mazzare
With over 30 years of experience, my specialities are conflict resolution in the workplace, strategic planning, selection and recruiting, leadership / management training, individual and organizational assessments, sales staff development, team training, and development. I work with corporations, enterprise, and small businesses, and individuals one-on-one, in workshops, teleconferences and on location.